So we connected it to a CTR-101 curve tracer to run the forward characteristic curve.

The forming current is a minimum current to regenerate the proper operation. The Wikipedia page on Selenium Rectifier mentions that a ‘forming current’ may be required after a long period of disuse, and long period of disuse applies in this case: it had been out of service 40 years or more. Was the selenium rectifier still good? We measured the forward and reverse resistance with a multimeter, and the results were inconclusive. The owner of the bike had replaced the selenium rectifier with a modern three-phase silicon diode array, a much smaller and probably more efficient device. The rectifier consists of three diodes with one common terminal, so that the output is a reasonable approximation of direct current. The alternator is wired to produce 3 sine wave outputs, each 120 degrees apart. We were given a three-phase selenium rectifier, taken from an ancient Honda 150 motorcycle. Selenium rectifiers are recognizable by the cooling fins, which are often painted green or orange. The selenium rectifier replaced the vacuum tube rectifier in the period 1950 onward and was in use until the 70’s. If the sequence is reversed, then the relay de-energize the circuit.Before the invention of the silicon diode, designers had the choice of germanium point contact diodes for low currents, copper-oxide rectifiers in instruments, and selenium rectifiers for power applications.

#How to test a forward and reverse motor circuit install
Only the direction or phase sequence finalized, then we have to install the phase reversal relay. By that we should find out the correct direction of the motor. To install these relay, first we should run the motor without relay. Solid state relay sense the phase sequence of the motor. Hence the disc contact open the circuit and motor will be isolated.

If the direction of the motor is reversed, then simultaneously the direction of the disc also reversed. Under normal condition, the disc does not open the auxiliary contact and the motor starts rotating. The auxiliary contact for particular direction from the disc is given to the motor starting circuit. The disc rotates parallel with the motor. In old days, before microprocessor relays, this protection is provided using motor driven disc working on electromagnetic principle. Learn More: Summation Current Transformer Calculations Mechanical phase reverse protection: VFD has option to change the output voltage to the motor

Phase reversal protection is used to protect the induction motor, from running in reverse direction. Phase Reversal Protection | Induction Motor Protection: